99% Sound and Feel

Chris Downey explains it like this, “Beethoven continued to write music, even some of his best music, after he lost his hearing… What’s more preposterous, composing music you can’t hear, or designing architecture you can’t see?” Chris Downey had been an architect for 20 years before he lost his sight. It would be understandable to think that going blind would mean the end of his career, but that turned out not to be the case at all.

Several people have reported Downey’s story, but it was the Doug McGray (Pop-Up Magazine Editor and New America Foundation fellow) article in The Atlantic that first got my attention. Days later, AIA-SF Executive Director Margie O’Driscoll sent me this interview suggesting Chris as a possible 99% Invisible subject. Chris Downey has a way of inspiring and amazing everyone – who then wants to share his story with others. Including me.

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