Articles of Interest
Articles of Interest is a podcast about what we wear. It began as a critically acclaimed, mini-series within the 99% Invisible podcast, and now is its own separate independent production with Radiotopia.
Created by Avery Trufelman, Articles of Interest covers a broad range of concepts including the rise of casual wear, the environmental impact of the textile industry and why womenswear doesn’t have pockets. You can listen to seasons one or two on this page, and then find season three and beyond via the Articles of Interest website.
Season 1
The first season of Articles of Interest was named a best podcast of the year by the BBC, Curbed, Globe & Mail, LAist, New York Magazine, and the New Yorker. Seasons 1 and 2 are available in the 99pi or AoI podcast feed and can also be played directly below. Season 3 will be available exclusively on the Articles of Interest feed.
Click here for press images — credit: Matty Lynn Barnes
Season 2
This second season of Articles of Interest features six interlocking episodes examining luxury and our collectively held ideas of glamour across the US, from Chicago to Canal Street. Think of it like a podcast concept album, with recurring themes and threads that examine the ways we signal success and authenticity in America.