What people are saying about 99% InvisibleDownload Press Assets
“99% Invisible…is completely wonderful and entertaining and beautifully produced…”
— Ira Glass, This American Life
“We think what he’s doing is inspiring. It has a kind of rhythm and musicality that you don’t normally find in radio or podcast storytelling.”
— Jad Abumrad, Radiolab
“Roman Mars lights the radio. His pieces conjure other worlds, grapple with big ideas, make sound three dimensional. They are smart and funny and original. The Kitchen Sisters would like to be Presidents of his Fan Club.”
— The Kitchen Sisters, Peabody Award-winning producers for NPR
“I love the show. It’s wonderful. [It] actually reminded me of why I love radio.”
— Jonathan Goldstein, CBC’s WireTap
“Mars is the Ira Glass of design.”
— Allison Arieff, design columnist for The New York Times

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Roman Mars on 99% Invisible and the Narrative of Design

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How Studying Design Turned Roman Mars into a Pathological Optimist

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2017 People's Voice - Podcasts & Digital Audio - Best Host

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The Webby Awards
2016 Webby Award Winner - Best Podcast

Talking Money with Podcasting Pioneer Roman Mars

Format Magazine
Roman Mars on Ugly Buildings with Good Stories

TED Blog
Roman Mars on Why Not to Give the “Big, Grand, Sweeping” TED Talk

Radio Host Leads Charge to Change S.F.’s Official Flag

99% Invisible Podcast’s Brilliant Response to Criticism of Women’s Voices

q on CBC
99% Invisible's Roman Mars Discusses The Concept of Design in Studio Q

5 TED 2015 Storytellers That Are Sharing What They See (And Hear)

Roman Mars: The Man Who’s Building a Podcasting Empire

East Bay Express
Building Public Radio 2.0

The Globe and Mail
Q&A with Roman Mars: ‘I think there’s a pathology in the love of design’

Fast Company
Roman Mars' Secret to Irresistible Storytelling

Mother Jones
Roman Mars on the Secret Allure of Highway Stripes and Manhole Covers

The Guardian
Roman Mars: Public Radio Maverick

The Economist
A Public-Private Partnership: Kickstarter helps raise money for public radio

East Bay Express
'99% Invisible' Uncovers the Hidden World of Design

Ad Week
At $170,000+, ‘99% Invisible’ Becomes Most Funded Kickstarter in Journalism

Core 77
Kickstart 99% Invisible: Design Stories for the Radio

How 99% Invisible Will Change Public Radio

USA Today Pop Candy
'99% Invisible': More Visible Than Ever

Design Matters with Debbie Millman
Roman Mars Interview

Radiolab Presents: 99% Invisible

Show: 99% Invisible