The Power Broker #10: Clara Jeffery

This is the tenth official episode of our ongoing series breaking down the 1974 Pulitzer Prize winning book, The Power Broker by our hero Robert Caro.

This week, Roman Mars and Elliott Kalan sit down with Clara Jeffery, the editor-in-chief of Mother Jones and the Center for Investigative Reporting. She’s had a long and storied career editing works of investigative journalism that speaks truth to power and afflicts the comfortable, including so she brings that perspective to her understanding of The Power Broker. Clara hadn’t read The Power Broker before and this podcast inspired her to pick it up and read along with us.

Elliott and Roman also cover the last section of Part 6 and the first section of Part 7 (Chapter 39 through Chapter 41), discussing the major story beats and themes.

REMINDER: We’ve got 99PI Power Broker Breakdown merch! Visit

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This episode is produced by Isabel Angell, edited by committee, music by Swan Real, and mixed by Dara Hirsch.

  1. Matt Klapper

    Saudi Arabia’s crown prince reminds me a little of R Moses, all due respect. This book eventually filled me with dread…..i’m Jewish, he also reminds me of feelings i have about Jeffrey Epstein. The thru line is that none of them have a close affinity with nor to other human beings?

    I live in Georgetown in DC. I have a question for you regarding the influence/impact or lack thereof in other cities. GT became the first federally protected national historic neighborhood/district in 1952. Commission of Fine Arts oversees….the point i’m making is was GT reacting to Jane Jacobs’ concerns (even if Robert Moses himself wasnt a known quantity)?

    Anyways, I accidentally bought two t shirts memorializing this podcast. Eventually i might give someone one of them. I hate this man. These last few/all episodes really reminded me of the lasting damage he caused. I spent 24 hours in Great neck once…nevertheless Caro makes me care-o about about plight of folks from suffolk county

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